- 胡悅倫, 2022.02, 'Moderating Effects of Intercultural Social Efficacy and the Role of Language in the Context of Coping Strategies in Study Abroad Depression, ' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.19, No.4, pp.2409.(SSCI, SCIE, SCOPUS)
- Gregory Siy Ching*;Yueh-Luen Hu;Amy Roberts, 2021.08, 'The Part and Parcel of Doctoral Education: A Gap Analysis between the Importance and Satisfaction of the Experience., ' Education Science, Vol.11, No.9, pp.481.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Yueh-Luen;Ching, Gregory, 2019.01, 'School support: Unmasking the mediating role of teachers, peers, and school administrators support towards the promotion of student engagement, ' International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Vol.8, pp.47-58.
- Hu, Yueh-Luen;Hung, Chao-Hsiang;Ching, Gregory S.**, 2017.10, 'Shifting between counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behavior: The effects of workplace support and engagement., ' International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Vol.6, No.4, pp.37-56.(*為通訊作者)
- Yueh-Luen Hu*;Guang-Chu Hung;Gregory Ching;Ching-Fen Liao1, 2017.09, 'Reviving the concept of residential college in Taiwan: An introductory study, ' In International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, Vol.64, pp.12-16.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Yueh-Luen;Hung, Chao-Hsiang;Ching, Gregory S.**, 2017.07, 'Evaluating the educational outcome gains of students enrolled in residential colleges: An application of the block design., ' International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Vol.6, No.3, pp.39-52.(*為通訊作者)
- Ching, G. S.*;Tsay, W.-R.;胡悅倫;Hung, C.-H., 2017.01, 'Counterproductive work behaviors within academic institutions: A myth or a reality., ' International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, Vol.6, No.1, pp.1-14.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*;Hung, C.-H.;Ching, G. S., 2016.10, 'The impact of monitoring and sanctioning and perceived loafing towards revenge motive and tendency to commit counterproductive work behaviors within the academic workplace., ' International Journal of Research Studies in Management, Vol.5, No.2, pp.79-95.(*為通訊作者)
- Yueh-Luen Hu*;Gregory S. Ching;Chao-Hsiang Hung, 2015.12, 'Comparison of Concepts within the Residential Colleges in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol.5, No.12, pp.936-940.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2015.07, 'Examining the Counterproductive Work Behaviors within Taiwan Academic Setting: A Pilot Study, '.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Y.-L.*;Hung, C.-H.;Ching, G. S., 2015.01, 'Student-faculty interaction: Mediating between student engagement factors and educational outcome gains. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, ' International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Vol.4, No.1, pp.43-53.(*為通訊作者)
- 康逸筠;胡悅倫;洪兆祥*, 2014.12, '理工科系大學生之家庭社經地位對預期薪資之影響:以成就抱負為中介, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.38, No.2, pp.1-29.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2013, 'Reviving the concept of residential college in Taiwan: An introductory study, '.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Y.-L.;Ching, G. S., 2012.04, 'Factors affecting student engagement: An analysis on how and why students learn., ' In 2012 Conference on Creative Education, pp.989-992.
- 胡悅倫*, 2011.08, 'Student engagement in Taiwan: A look into how Taiwanese college students learns., ' Student engagement in Taiwan: A look into how Taiwanese college students learns., Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2011.08, ' A look into the teachers’ job interview in Taiwan: Teacher’s classroom management as core competence., ' A look into the teachers’ job interview in Taiwan: Teacher’s classroom management as core competence., Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2011.03, 'Unraveling the myths behind the constructs of Taiwanese college student engagement"., ' Unraveling the myths behind the constructs of Taiwanese college student engagement"., Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu,Y.L.;Ching,G.S.;Chao,P.C., 2011.02, 'Taiwan student engagement model:Conceptual framework and overview of psychometric properties, ' International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Vol.1, No.1, pp.69-90.
- 胡悅倫;陳皎眉;陳世芬, 2010.05, '數學相關學系女大學生之性別特質認同對主觀課業價值與數學測驗表現影響路徑之建構, ' 教育與心理研究,.(TSSCI)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
- 賴慧珠;胡悅倫, 2010.03, '專家與新手教師在班級經營的知識結構差異:以口試題目檢驗之, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.33, No.1, pp.1-31.(TSSCI)
- 陳皎眉;胡悅倫;洪光宗, 2010, '人格測驗在國家選才上之使用與發展, ' 國家精英季刊, Vol.6, No.4, pp.1-12.
- 胡悅倫;陳皎眉;洪光宗, 2009.12, '國家考試口試之命題與評分, ' 國家菁英季刊, Vol.5, No.4, pp.35-56.
- 陳皎眉;胡悅倫;周育瑩, 2009.09, '男性與女性的該與不該、可有與可無, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.32, No.3, pp.1-24.(TSSCI) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫;余民寧, 2009.03, '中學教師甄選口試題目圖像及其教育理念之研究, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.32, No.1, pp.29-56.(TSSCI)
- 胡悅倫;陳世芬;呂秋萍, 2008.04, '教師甄選面試結構化問卷之編制, ' 測驗學刊, Vol.55, No.1, pp.185-212.(TSSCI)
- 胡悅倫, 2008.03, '結構化教師甄試之初步調查, ' 教育與心理研究期刊, Vol.1, No.31.(TSSCI)
- 呂秋萍;胡悅倫;邱皓政, 2007.09, '口試委員類我效應對口試決策之影響—教師甄選口試決策歷程之結構方程模式檢驗, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.30, No.3, pp.1-34.(TSSCI)
- 胡悅倫;呂秋萍;陳世芬, 2007.06, '探討現行中小學教師甄選口試之概況-應試者觀點, ' 智慧科技與應用統計學報, Vol.5, No.1, pp.59-89.
- Yueh-Luen Hu;Min-Ning Yu;Ren-Hau Li, 2007, 'Does Number of Level-2 Units in Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Matter?, ' Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, pp.87-98. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫*;陳皎眉;吳柏林, 2006.03, '應用模糊統計於A型量表分類之研究, ' 教育與心理研究期刊, Vol.29, No.1.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2006, '教師甄試口試結構化程度之研究, ' 教育與心理研究期刊, Vol.31, No.1, pp.65-96.(TSSCI)
- 胡悅倫, 2005.03, '探討青少年A型量表之多向性特質:以心理健康角度分析之, ' 教育與心理研究期刊, Vol.1, No.28.(TSSCI) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2004.03, '優質的A型兒童存在嗎?—以自我概念、自我效能、學業成就分析之, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.27, No.1, pp.1-28.(TSSCI) 參考連結
- 邱錦堂;胡悅倫, 2003.09, '國中導師班級經營信念、策略與效能之探討, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.26, No.3, pp.407-432.(TSSCI) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫;吳柏林, 2002.12, '模糊統計在分析樂觀量表之應用, ' 教育與心理研究, Vol.25, pp.457-484.(TSSCI) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫;洪光宗, 2001.07, '以生理反應指標驗證「兒童A型量表」之效度, ' 測驗年刊, Vol.48, No.2, pp.51-86.(TSSCI-O) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2001.01, '尋訪源頭活水-以優勢觀點談單親家庭的親師溝通, ' 學生輔導通訊, Vol.72, pp.22-35. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2000.01, '孩子的朋友與敵人, ' 父母親月刊, No.181, pp.31-36. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫;謝文英, 1998.07, '新竹縣輔導網路評鑑, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.6, pp.55-154.
- 胡悅倫, 1998.04, '社會支持、作業難度對兒童壓力下生理反應之影響, ' 國家科學委員會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學, Vol.2, No.8, pp.195-225.
- 胡悅倫, 1997.07, 'Utilizing Rasch Model to detect cheating tendencies, ' 測驗年刊, Vol.2, No.44, pp.141-168.
- 胡悅倫, 1997.06, '兒童壓力源的文獻探討研究, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.5, pp.1-53.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1997.02, '國小師資培育機構實習指導教授遴選標準之研究, ' 新竹師院學報, No.10, pp.379-410.
- 胡悅倫, 1997.02, '兒童壓力評量之方式及其爭議, ' 新竹師院學報, No.10, pp.93-119.
- 胡悅倫, 1997.01, '親子關係中的性別差異, ' 學生輔導通訊, No.48, pp.70-81.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1996.12, '特約實習國民小學評鑑量表, ' 評鑑新訊, No.11, pp.4-5.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1996.06, '特約實習國民小學遴選標準之研究, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.4, pp.63-125.
- 胡悅倫, 1996.05, '化腐朽為神奇--談鼓勵的技巧, ' 竹縣文教, No.12, pp.4-14.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1996.01, '特約實習國民小學實習指導教師遴選標準之研究, ' 新竹師院學報, No.9, pp.411-447.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1995.06, '師院生集中實習教學能力總結性評量之研究, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.3, pp.83-149.
- 黃萬益;胡悅倫;謝文英;李安明, 1995.01, '師範學院混合編班編宿學生適應之研, ' 新竹師院學報, No.8, pp.27-64.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1995.01, '師範學院教育實習教學能力形成性評量之研究, ' 新竹師院學報, No.8, pp.235-290.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1994.01, '教師壓力之探討, ' 竹縣文教, No.8, pp.62-78.
- 胡悅倫, 1993.06, 'Rasch模式偵測力的影響因素之研究, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.1, pp.143-184.
- 謝文英;胡悅倫, 1993.06, '國小實習教師壓力與自重感、工作價值之相關研究, ' 初等教育學報(新竹師院), No.1, pp.325-387.
- 胡悅倫, 1985.06, '孩子的朋友與敵人, ' 父母親月刊, No.6, pp.34-37. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 1985.03, '職業婦女與丈夫的心理健康, ' 父母親月刊, Vol.3, No.1, pp.6-7.
- Yueh-Luen Hu*;Gregory S. Ching, 2024.06, 'Cross-cultural Examination of COVID-19 Related Issues for Teachers in Taiwan and the Philippines, ' 10th HERA Conference (Taiwan), HERA & NCCU.(*為通訊作者)
- Yueh-Luen Hu;Gregory S. Ching*;Pei-Ching Chao;Fides del Castillo;Jenny Lynn Gungon;Sheilla M. Trajera;Amy Roberts;Yu Zuo, 2024.05, 'Teacher Fatigue, Social-Emotional Learning, Online Teaching Engagement and Facilitation: Experiences of Teachers During COVID-19, ' LearnCommunications in Computer and Information Science: Learning Technology for Education Challenges, 台灣社會網絡學會, pp.266-284.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Ching, G. S.*;Hu, Yueh-Luen, 2020.12, 'Effects of university governance and academic identity towards faculty job stress, satisfaction, and performance in Taiwan., ' INTED2021: 15th Annual Technology, Education and Development Conference, Annual Technology, Education and Development Conference.(*為通訊作者)
- Ching, G. S.*;Hu, Yueh-Luen, 2020.11, 'Factors predicting doctoral students' future career perspectives: An initial look into the role of academic identities., ' IAFOR International Conference on Education, IAFOR International Conference on Education.(*為通訊作者)
- Ching, G. S.*;Hu, Yueh-Luen;Roberts, Amy, 2020.10, 'Academic identity formation of Taiwan academics and its influence over career trajectories., ' 2021 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, USA, 2021 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, USA.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫;Gregory S. Ching, 2017.09, 'Antecedents of counterproductive work behavior within the academic workplace, ' 2017 Global Educators Organization International Conference, Global Educators Organization International Conference.
- Ching, G. S.,*;Hu, Y.-L., 2017, 'A quasi-ethnographic study on the study abroad studentsĄŚ experiences in Taiwan: Tales from 5 international students, ' 2017 Global Educators Organization International Conference, Global Educators Organization International Conference.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*;Hung, G.-C;Ching, G. S. (, 2016.04, 'Looking into the research-teaching nexus in higher education., ' 2016 International Conference on Social Science and Economics, 2016 International Conference on Social Science and Economics.(*為通訊作者)
- Hung, C.-H.*;胡悅倫*;Tsay, W.-R.*;Ching, G. S., 2016.03, 'Exploring the relationships among perceived loafing, monitoring, and counterproductive work behaviors: The mediating role of a revenge motive., ' 2016 Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, 2016 Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2016, 'Looking into the research-teaching nexus in higher education, '.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Y.-L.; Hung, G.-C.; Ching, G. S., 2016, 'Looking into the research-teaching nexus in higher education, ' ICSSEF, ICSSEF.
- 胡悅倫;Ching, G. S., 2016, 'An analysis of the counterproductive work behaviors of elementary and high school teachers in Taiwan, ' 2016 Lumina International Research Congress,, International Research Congress.
- 胡悅倫;Ching, G. S., 2015, 'Analyzing the counterproductive work behaviors within the school setting in Taiwan., ' 2015 Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Asian Conference on Education & International Development.
- Hu, Y.-L*; Hung, G.-C.; Ching, G. S.;Liao, C.-F., 2013, 'Reviving the concept of residential college in Taiwan: An introductory study, ' 2013 2nd International Conference on Humanity, History and Society, IEDRC.(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Y.-L.;Ching, G. S, 2012.04, 'Factors affecting student engagement: An analysis on how and why students learn., '.
- 胡悅倫*, 2012.01, 'How Taiwanese college students learn: An analysis of the Taiwan’s higher education students’survey., ' he 2012 Hawaii International Conference on Education., he 2012 Hawaii International Conference on Education..(*為通訊作者)
- 胡悅倫*, 2012.01, ' Mismatch in teacher education: An analysis of the teacher selection interview process in Taiwan., ' the 2012 Hawaii International Conference on Education., the 2012 Hawaii International Conference on Education..(*為通訊作者)
- Hu, Y.-L.;Ching, G. S., 2012, 'Factors affecting student engagement: An analysis on how and why students learns, ' Conference on Creative Education, Conference on Creative Education, pp.989-992.
- Hu, Y.-L.;Ching, G. S.;Chao, P.-C., 2011.08, 'Student engagement in Taiwan: A look into how Taiwanese college students learns, ' 2011 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, American Educational Research Association.
- Hu, Y.-L.;Ching, G. S.;Yu, M.-N., 2011, 'A look into the teachersĄŚ job interview in Taiwan: TeacherĄŚs classroom management as core competence, ' 2011 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, American Educational Research Association.
- Ching,G.S.;Hu,Y.L.;Chao,P.C., 2011, 'Unraveling the myths behind the constructs of Taiwanese college student engagement, '.
- 胡悅倫;余民寧, 2008.01, 'Application of Concept Mapping to Analyze Items of Teacher-Selection Interviews, ' Hawaii International Conference on Education.
- 胡悅倫*, 2006.01, 'Series of study on structured teacher selection system – Opinion of interviewee, ' The 2006 College Teaching & Learning Conference, Florida年會.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- 胡悅倫*, 2006.01, 'Series of study on structured teacher selection system – Opinions of interviewers, ' 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii International Conference on Education.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- 呂秋萍*;胡悅倫, 2006.01, 'A study on decision procedure in the interview of teacher selection in junior high school — verified by structural equation modeling, ' 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii International Conference on Education.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
- 袁明玉*;胡悅倫, 2006.01, 'Effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability and interview performance on university enrollment interview with different settings, ' 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii International Conference on Education.(*為通訊作者)
- Yueh-Luen Hu;Guang-Chu Hong;Wenrong Tsai, 2005.01, 'Does a Type A adolescent with fine character exist? From mental health perspective., ' The 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Education.
- 胡悅倫;丁敏;洪光宗, 2004.08, 'Who will be benefited from the training of meditation?, ' The 28th International Congress of Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫;丁敏;洪光宗、徐碧霞, 2004, '靜坐訓練對兒童注意力影響之研究, ' 第三屈跨文化會議, 師範大學. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2004, 'Do type A children with fine character really exist?, ' International Conference on Education, Hawaii. 參考連結
- 邱錦堂;胡悅倫, 2001, '國中導師信念、班級經營策略對班級經營效能之影響, ' 「知識經濟與教育發展」學術研討會, 中國教育學會、中華民國師範教育學會、中華民國比較教育學會、中國視聽教育學會、中國工業職業教育學會及台. 參考連結
- Hu, Y.;Chen, H. C., 1999, 'Study on meta-evaluation of the universities accreditation in Taiwan, ' International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), Chile. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 1996, '社會支持、作業難度對兒童壓力知覺與作業表現之影響, ' 中央研究院, 中央研究院.
- Hsieh, W. Y.;Hu, Y., 1994, 'Formative teaching evaluation criteria for student teachers, ' Annual Meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education.
- Hsieh, W. Y.;Hu, Y., 1994, 'Summative teaching evaluation criteria for student teachers, ' Annual Meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education.
- Hsieh, W. Y.;Hu, Y., 1994, 'Multimethods of program evaluation: A reflection on evaluation of the counseling referral progra, ' Annual Meeting of Australian Association for Research in Education.
- 胡悅倫, 1994, 'CIPP評鑑項目之信度與效度考驗, ' 中華心理學會.
- Hu, Y.;Huang, W. Y.;Hsieh, W. Y.;Li, A. M., 1994, 'General education in teachers’ colleges: An experience of National Hsinchu Teachers’ college, ' General Education Towards the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of the First International Conference on General Education in Universities and Colleges, National Tsing Hua University, pp.129-164.
- Hsieh, W. Y.;Hu, Y., 1993, 'Teacher stress for elementary provisional teachers in Taiwan: Self-esteem and work-value, ' annual meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education.
- Hsieh, W. Y.;Hu, Y., 1993, 'Utilizing Rasch Model to detect cheating tendencies, ' Annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education.
- Hu, Y.;Mishra, S., 1993, 'An application of Rasch Model in detecting careless response tendencies, ' Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
- Hu, Y.;Maller, S.;Sechrest, L., 1992, 'Strategies for analysis of small data sets: Statistical approaches, ' Proceedings of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division American Association for the Advancement of Science 68th Annual Meeting.
- 胡悅倫, 1998, '以電腦化生理回饋系統驗證兒童壓力的實證研究──兼論其理論爭議及對小學教育的啟示, ' 楊智出版社.
- 胡悅倫, 2001, '大學的評鑑, ' 大學教育的現況與前瞻, 教育部.
- 胡悅倫;陳漢強, 1998, '1997學年度大學綜合評鑑之後設評鑑研究, ' 海峽兩岸大學教育評鑑之研究, 師大書苑發行.
- 胡悅倫, 1997, '大學評鑑模式(三)—全面品質管理, ' 大學評鑑, 五南.
- 胡悅倫, 1997, '英國高等教育撥款委員會之品質管理與經費分配, ' 大學評鑑, 五南.
- 胡悅倫, 1995, '方案評鑑及其研究方法之運用與省思以輔導網路方案鑑為例, ' 教育評鑑, 師大書苑.
- 胡悅倫, 2004, '應用模糊統計分析探討兒童A型行為的多向性(II), ' 國科會.
- 胡悅倫, 2002, '應用模糊統計分析探討兒童A型行為的多向性(I), ' 國科會. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2002, '以電腦化生理回饋系統驗證靜坐冥想訓練對兒童之生理反應及注意力之影響, ' 國科會. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2001, '大學附二年制技術學院觀摩訪視, ' 教育部. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2000, '教育部國中小補教教學示範學校實施計劃(Ⅲ)-多視智慧專案研究, ' 教育部. 參考連結
- 秦夢群;胡悅倫, 2000, '大學附設二技參觀訪視手冊研擬, ' 教育部技職司. 參考連結
- 胡悅倫, 2000, '以電腦化生理回饋系統驗證兒童A型量表之效度, ' 國科會.
- 胡悅倫, 1998, '社會支持﹑作業難度對兒童壓力覺知及作業表現之影響(II), ' 國科會.
- 胡悅倫, 1996, '社會支持、作業難度對兒童壓力覺知及作業表現之影響(I), ' 國科會.
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 103
- 2014教育與訓練科技國際研討會
- 胡悅倫
- 計畫主持人
- 2014年08月~2014年08月
- 教育部
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 101
- 高階文官人格測驗量表之研發與運用
- 胡悅倫,孫蒨如,莊俊儒
- 計畫主持人
- 2012年03月~2012年12月
- 公務人員保障暨培訓委員會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 100
- 人格測驗在國家選才及培訓任用之運用與發展
- 胡悅倫,莊俊儒,孫蒨如
- 計畫主持人
- 2011年04月~2011年12月
- 公務人員保障暨培訓委員會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 99
- 公務人員培訓運用人格測驗評量機制之研發
- 莊俊儒,胡悅倫
- 計畫主持人
- 2010年07月~2010年12月
- 公務人員保障暨培訓委員會
- 年度
- 計畫名稱
- 參與人
- 擔任之工作
- 計畫時間
- 補助/委託機構
- 98
- 國家考試口試參考手冊
- 胡悅倫,陳世芬,莊俊儒
- 計畫主持人
- 2009年07月~2010年03月
- 考選部
- 副教授
- 教育學系
- 1998年08月 ~ 1998年08月
- 副院長
- 教育學院
- 2024年08月 ~ 2025年07月
- 學程主任
- 輔導與諮商碩士學位學程
- 2024年08月 ~ 2025年07月
- 學程主任
- 輔導與諮商碩士學位學程
- 2023年08月 ~ 2024年07月
- 副院長
- 教育學院
- 2023年08月 ~ 2024年07月
- 特別助理
- 校長室
- 2016年08月 ~ 2017年03月
- 特別助理
- 校長室
- 2015年08月 ~ 2016年07月
- 特別助理
- 校長室
- 2015年02月 ~ 2015年07月
- 組長
- 教育學系
- 1999年08月 ~ 1999年05月
- 主任(二級)
- 1999年05月 ~ 2000年07月
- 組長
- 教育學系
- 1998年09月 ~ 1999年07月
- 教育與心理研究
- 編輯委員
- 政治大學
- 高等教育
- 2008年 月 ~ 2008年 月